Who we are

At Redemptionpower International Gospel Church, kingdom principle and value is practiced and boldly taught as prerequisite for making impact on earth and making heaven at last. Here you are trained to be who God created you to be and fulfill your purpose on earth. We have a mandate and a vision to ignite the apostolic fire, to see the captive get free as we spread the gospel of Jesus Christ whereever man is found. We will do this till every man on earth encounter the truth that sets free and by this mandate, we will go preach the full gospel of Jesus Christ till every captive soul experiences full deliverance, healing, divine blessings, restoration, and recovery. We will take this light of the gospel of Jesus Christ to all human race in every nation so that God alone will be glorified (Matt: 28:19-20).

Our Mission

To spread the gospel of Jesus Christ wherever man is found, and to make every living soul a great witness of redemption and life of Jesus Christ thereby making disciples of all nations (Mark 16:15-20, Ephesians 1:7, Colossians 1:12-14)

Our Vision

We see the redemption of soul, restoration of man’s purpose and value, and a transformed society by the gospel of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:16, Romans 12:7). We see the human culture influenced and structured with the principle and values of the kingdom of God

Our Value

Transforming people, changing our world with the Love of GOD-1Cor. 13:8

Our Hope

"If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable"- 1Cor.15:19 We are Kingdom of GOD citizen, and our hope is to spend eternity in heaven with GOD when we are through with our purpose on earth; so we live with eternity in view. Knowing that our ways and doings now in this passing life determine our eternity, so we do not live the way of the world, and we do not do things like those who have no hope beyond this world. Our principle and values is after the order of heaven, our eternal home (Phil.3:20)

Our Purpose statement

To love and worship God in truth Reaching out to people with the love of God and good news of redemption and by so doing, bringing them into God’s family thereby expanding the kingdom of God amongst men (Isaiah 9:7) Making disciples of all nations, raising leaders, serving humanity and meeting needs, thus bringing glory to God (Matthew 5:16)

Our Goal

Manifesting the power of God to change, sinners to saint, unbelievers to believers, losers to winners, wonderer to wonders, write-off to role models, followers to leaders, victim to Victors, needy to needed, gangsters to shining stars, hooligans to Holy-Guys, Harlot to Holy-her, nothingness to things-fullness, nonentities to some entities. And give meaning to meaninglessness. Hence positively impacting Lives and transforming societies (1john3:8)

We will love to pray for you

A Believer sees prayer as a way of life. At Redemptionpower International Gospel Church, we believe in prayers and we will love to join you as you pray to the Most High God.

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