Welcome to

Redemptionpower International Gospel

We love and worship
God in truth

About Us

Redemptionpower International Gospel Church is a full gospel church and apostolic and evangelical ministry. We are commissioned for the redemption of souls from all forms of satanic bondage, oppression, the restoration of man’s purpose and value by the power of the gospel with unlimited demonstrations of the power of God in signs and wonders to redeem, deliver, save, and heal men totally and irrevocably.

Manifesting the power of God to change sinners to saint, unbelievers to believers, losers to winners, wanderers to wonders, write-off to role models, followers to leaders, victim to victors, needy to needed, gangsters to shining stars, hooligans to holy-guys, harlot to holy-her, nothingness to things-fullness, nonentities to some entities. To give meaning to the meaningless. And, hence positively impacting lives and transforming societies (1 John 3:8)

We will love to pray for you

A Believer sees prayer as a way of life. At Redemptionpower International Gospel Church, we believe in prayers and we will love to join you as you pray to the Most High God.

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